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Architectmade Finn Juhl Wall Clock Black Ash, ø35 Cm
Architectmade Finn Juhl Wall Clock Black Ash, ø35 Cm
Architectmade Finn Juhl Wall Clock Black Ash, ø35 Cm
Architectmade Finn Juhl Wall Clock Black Ash, ø35 Cm
Architectmade Finn Juhl Wall Clock Black Ash, ø35 Cm
Architectmade Finn Juhl Wall Clock Black Ash, ø35 Cm

Architectmade Finn Juhl Wall Clock Black Ash, ø35 Cm

  • MarkeArchitectmade
  • ProduktartUhren
  • EAN6442218637632
  • Artikelnr.235498724034
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Finn Juhl designed FJ Clock as a part of the interior of the New York United Nations Trusteeship Council Chamber in 1950. The circular and concave shape compliments the natural qualities of the teak and ash wood, while the aluminum dots capture Finn Juhl’s flair for minimalism. Its aluminum minute and hour hands are also curved slightly along the wooden surface. It is crafted with a precision that offers harmony, and it is a work of art. Each FJ Clock has its own unique wood pattern, and it comes in teak or stained ash.

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Architectmade und Architectmade Finn Juhl.

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